Monday, May 30, 2011


Ooooo I just crack myself up sometimes. 

{Photo taken May 30th... 12 weeks old }

Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Black & Whites.

Just a few black & white photos of me loving on Momma on her birthday... 

{ Photos taken May 21st... 11 weeks old }

Momma's Birthday.

Here are some photos of me, Momma & Daddy on Momma's birthday...
Despite the fact that I'm not really smiling in any of these photos, 
I was happy to celebrate Momma's birthday, she's my favorite Momma after all!

{ Photos taken May 21st... 11 weeks old }

Look up in the sky...

Its Gracelyn! 
Check out my awesome drool...

{ Photos taken May 21st... 11 weeks old }

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let's Go Penn State!

{ Photos taken May 20th... 10 weeks old }

Friday, May 20, 2011


We are going to IKEA! 
I'm obviously stoked. 


{ Photo taken May 19th... 10 weeks old }

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Two Months Old.

Oh hey, I'm two months old now! 
In case you are curious I am currently weighing in at 11lbs. 8 oz & measuring 23.25 inches.
Oh & I know I'm supposed to be practicing my "tummy time" more but honestly I really hate it. 
Here is me before my tummy time meltdown...
I look happy but trust me, a good old frustrated cry happened shortly after. 
What can I say, I just like lounging on my back better. 
Ceilings are way interesting to stare at!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Smiley Cat + Smiley Gracelyn.

Oh you know, just lounging on my boppy enjoying 
some smiley time with my smiling cat shirt...
This is my "oh that is SO interesting" face.

tee hee hee

* Photos taken May 2nd... 8 weeks old *

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter Dress.

Do you like my Easter dress?
I do! I feel like a ballerina in it 
& Momma says hot pink is my color. 

* Photos taken May 3rd... 8 weeks old because we didn't get to it on Easter.*